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November 15, 2023

The Drug Landscape Today

Street drugs are far different today than they were five, ten, fifteen years ago.

During the 24 years I spent in active addiction I never had to worry about what I was buying. Other than different ways the cocaine was cut the pills and opioids were dependable in the fact I knew what I was about to ingest. (more…)

Street drugs are far different today than they were five, ten, fifteen years ago. During the 24 years I spent in active addiction I never had to worry about what I was buying. Other than different ways the cocaine was

November 13, 2023

Does Intervention Work?

I am often asked if interventions really work. Facilitated properly, with family and friends who are completely dedicated to getting the individual who suffers help, 90% of the time we are successful. I couldn’t do intervention work if we only got people to go into treatment 4 or 5 times out of 10, it would be too heartbreaking.

I am often asked if interventions really work. Facilitated properly, with family and friends who are completely dedicated to getting the individual who suffers help, 90% of the time we are successful. I couldn’t do intervention work if we only

April 5, 2018

I know nothing

This little piece is dedicated to everyone who is relatively new in recovery. Now, I think this is something that can be defined in a number of different ways: In twelve step recovery, which I am a proud member of (more…)

This little piece is dedicated to everyone who is relatively new in recovery. Now, I think this is something that can be defined in a number of different ways: In twelve step recovery, which I am a proud member of

April 5, 2018

Rocking Sober

I think I was about 13 or 14 months sober when I played my first sober gig with the band I’ve loved being a part of since 1996, Corn Doggy Dog & the Half Pound. I’ll give you a little (more…)

I think I was about 13 or 14 months sober when I played my first sober gig with the band I’ve loved being a part of since 1996, Corn Doggy Dog & the Half Pound. I’ll give you a little

April 5, 2018

Cutting Corners

For much of my life I found ways to cut corners, doing the absolute minimal to get the maximum result. In school, once I lost interest, which was around the 10th grade I really started looking for loopholes and the (more…)

For much of my life I found ways to cut corners, doing the absolute minimal to get the maximum result. In school, once I lost interest, which was around the 10th grade I really started looking for loopholes and the

April 5, 2018

Hungry, Angry, Lonely…Fucking Tired

Good old “HALT”, are you Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired? In recovery, one of these things is bad enough, but throwing in one or more is like an internal nuclear bomb, at least for me it is. Was throwing in (more…)

Good old “HALT”, are you Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired? In recovery, one of these things is bad enough, but throwing in one or more is like an internal nuclear bomb, at least for me it is. Was throwing in

April 5, 2018

Random situations that are key

Being of service to others inside the program of recovery and out is one of the greatest things we get to experience as sober people. For whatever reason, it seems the more we give of ourselves the more we “get” (more…)

Being of service to others inside the program of recovery and out is one of the greatest things we get to experience as sober people. For whatever reason, it seems the more we give of ourselves the more we “get”

April 5, 2018

Changing Everything

When I was about 60 days sober and my bones were still vibrating like the Energizer Bunny I remember this long time sober guy telling me “Other than changing everything you don’t have to change a thing,” I didn’t say (more…)

When I was about 60 days sober and my bones were still vibrating like the Energizer Bunny I remember this long time sober guy telling me “Other than changing everything you don’t have to change a thing,” I didn’t say

April 5, 2018

4% of the world yet 75% of the consumption

When I learned of this statistic I sort of did an Exorcist type of thing with my head, for real. I was that twisted over it. Think about it for a second, we represent just under 4% of the world’s (more…)

When I learned of this statistic I sort of did an Exorcist type of thing with my head, for real. I was that twisted over it. Think about it for a second, we represent just under 4% of the world’s

April 5, 2018


So many things can block me off from God, my higher power or whatever you want to call it. And judging others is one of those defects of characters that, when turned on “high” is as ugly as it gets, (more…)

So many things can block me off from God, my higher power or whatever you want to call it. And judging others is one of those defects of characters that, when turned on “high” is as ugly as it gets,

April 4, 2018

Tune In With Todd: Z-Man Podcast

The Z-Man Podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by Todd Zalkins featuring guest interviews with famous musicians, celebrities, and specialists in the field of addiction and recovery. Z-Man and his guests discuss the different aspects of addiction and recovery and share their experience, strength, and hope.

Contact me anytime if you would like to discuss getting help for a loved one:

t: 833-468-7863


The Z-Man Podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by Todd Zalkins featuring guest interviews with famous musicians, celebrities, and specialists in the field of addiction and recovery. Z-Man and his guests discuss the different aspects of addiction and recovery and