
I have stayed in contact with the addiction medicine specialist who treated me (Dr. Daniel Headrick) after I left his care in 2007. Today, I consider him a good friend and I am forever grateful for his help. Shortly after I had one year of sobriety, he suggested I write something about my addiction and recovery.

Dr. Headrick believed that a lot of people could benefit from reading my story. I couldn’t have had more than two years of sobriety when I wrote it. There’s very little recovery in the book but it seems to speak to the addict who has either been there or currently active in the disease, and for whatever reason it has sold more than 75,000 copies and helped many people along the way (something I am very grateful for).

Several years passed and a film producer in Canada reached out to me, wanting to make a feature length documentary film. I was scared to death about doing it, but after talking with many people I trust in recovery I agreed. It ended up winning some awards and was featured on Hulu for two years and currently streams on Amazon Prime. I have had the honor and privilege to talk with students and newly recovering people in treatment centers all over the country. As a result, to share a message of both “hope and “awareness” is something that gives me a great deal of joy to this day.

Below you will find a link to watch the film for free, just click on the link and enter the password: tlwb and you are good to go! There’s also a link to check out the book “Dying for Triplicate.”

Feel free to message me if you need a speaker at any awareness/education event or if you’re a treatment center seeking someone to bring a message with some hope and solution, it would be a pleasure.

Link to watch the film: Feature Film (90 min):

The Long Way Back: The Story of Todd “Z-Man” Zalkins

Password: tlwb

To watch the film trailer, go here:

Dying for Triplicate

By Todd A. Zalkins

The Long way back

The story of Todd Z-MAN